Ahmed Jozi


Planning and Designing E-commerce

Marketing Campaigns


Graphic Design

Motion Graphics

Interface Design


  • Figma
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • After Effects


  • 3D Motion Designer
  • 2 Copywriters
  • 3 Marketing Professionals

Time Frame

2022 – 2023

About Drop

Drop is an app that enables its members to receive a customized e-commerce experience that allows them to earn rewards for their online and offline purchases and survey completions. Founded in 2015, Drop has over 5 million members in North America and has partnered with over 500 brands, including Amazon, Starbucks and Uber.

About my role

Together with a Senior 3D Designer and two copywriters, we ideated concepts for seasonal marketing campaigns that targeted Millennial and Gen Z in North America. The campaigns promoted various brands on the Drop app, social media, and emails. I introduced motion graphics to the brand and combined it with 3D graphics to create memorable digital experiences. Moreover, I assisted the product team with mobile interface updates and provided feedback to improve the user experience.

Introducing geo-targeted animated emails

Due to ineffective targeting and a lack of captivating content, Drop's emails weren't particularly successful in getting members to complete offers. In order to address this issue and make a strong first impression, I worked closely with a Lifecycle Marketing Manager and a Copywriter to implement geo-targeted emails with animated banners. I was responsible for coming up with creative concepts and designing unique banners to communicate different messages.

Outcome: 640% improvement within one year.

2022 Email clicks: 1.50%

2023 Email clicks: 11.10%

Working with engineers and 3D Motion Designer

I asked to work with engineers on designing and updating E-commerce mobile pages, balancing functionality, accessibility, and aesthetics, to reduce friction and optimize the online shopping experience.

Here is an example of a page I designed for the Cash Drop Wednesday campaign. The goal of this page was to provide a personalized space for members participating in the campaign while explaining how the campaign works.

I worked with a 3D Motion Designer on combining my 2D animations with his 3D work. In the example below, I was responsible for the text and 3D elements floating animations.

Creating content for top brands

One of my daily tasks was to collaborate with senior copywriter Shaun to advertise various businesses on the Drop app in order to persuade consumers to make online purchases. I found pictures online, edited them, and combined them with Drop’s 3D elements and his copy. Each banner is distinct, represents the targeted brand, and complies to Drop’s branding standards.

Black Friday 2022 campaign art direction

Sometimes I was in charge of campaigns’ creative direction such as Black Friday 2022. It was one of Drop’s first campaigns that used animated assets. I designed over 30 creative outputs within a tight deadline for mobile, social media, and emails.

The idea: I visited a nearby mall to get some ideas. I observed that some stores used neon signage to draw attention to special offers, and I suggested the concept to my manager, who embraced it.

Outcome: The campaign exceeded 2021 revenue and offer completions while reducing Drop funded points budget by -70%.

Designing Henry, the brand’s official mascot

My Marketing Manager requested a mascot design for B2C marketing. I was in charge of sketching and illustrating Henry. He is friendly, tech-savvy, and outgoing!

Together with Dogancan, 3D Senior Motion Designer, we featured him on various social media posts to make the Drop brand more fun and memorable. I enjoyed changing his attire based on holidays!  

Outcome: Henry-related Posts rank among the most popular in terms of comments and likes. Games and prizes are always included in these posts. People are more likely to stop scrolling and leave a comment to take part in a game when they see Henry on these posts.

Increasing impressions on social media

One of Drop’s goals in 2023 was to increase engagement on social media. Between December and April, we were able to obtain 4,000 new followers by posting more often, working with influencers, making our posts more reachable, trying new things, and using animated assets that received more views than static posts.

Collaborators: Oyinda (Copywriter/social media), John (3D Motion Designer).