Ahmed Jozi


Integrating Digital and Print Marketing to Drive Customer Engagement


Graphic Design

Motion Design


B2B Marketing

B2C Marketing

Project Management


  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • InDesign
  • SketchUp
  • Affinity Designer


  • Marketing Manager
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Sales Manager
  • Logistics Manager
  • 4 Graphic Designers

Time Frame


About Grotek

In a highly competitive industry, Grotek, a Hydrofarm brand, has been supplying high-quality fertilizers for over 20 years. Their competitors make similar formulations for cheaper prices, and they’re catching up. Grotek decided to boost their marketing budget in order to refresh their print assets and deliver innovative digital solutions as a consequence.

Designing and Coordinating Booths Production

Grotek relies on trade shows to generate leads and raise brand recognition. It's critical to have a lively booth design that matches the brand's vibe in order to attract new customers. I collaborated with the Marketing Manager on designing trade show concepts in SketchUp to evaluate space requirements and estimate costs before production. I was in charge of designing the panels, outsourcing printing, and coordinating with the Logistics department to ensure that everything arrived on time.

Creative Prints to Attract More Visitors

One of my individual tasks was to create captivating prints that drew attention and delivered the right message in a crowded atmosphere. I used my drawing abilities to create this black and white poster that showcases several brand-related ideas and procedures.

Supporting Sales Professionals

Sales professionals rely on technical sheets to pitch products. That’s why I worked closely with agronomists and the Sales Manager to produce engaging technical sheets that rely on data and science. Learning and understanding the science behind each formula was important for generating insightful illustrations for each product.

Boosting Digital Experiences by Introducing Animated Videos

I was eager to learn motion graphics so that I could improve my capabilities and raise Grotek's social media engagement. Instagram is already focusing on videos, and it's critical to stay up with this trend if you want to appeal to a younger audience. My Marketing Manager felt confident enough in my abilities and growth to give me complete responsibility over writing, directing, illustrating, and animating promotional videos for a variety of events and products.

Keeping Consumers Engaged on Social Media

I collaborated on Instagram content for Grotek with four other designers and and we were able to grow their following from roughly 3000 to 27,000 in 2.5 years. I assisted with swag and apparel designs and was involved in several marketing activities to generate awareness around the brand prior to trade exhibitions. In addition, I created newsletters and social media posts to keep customers informed about trade shows.

Pre-trade show marketing to keep consumers engaged and increase awareness

Post-trade show updates to thank the visitors and reach audience who missed the show