Ahmed Jozi

Motion Graphics Reel

Motion graphics ads have an immediate and lasting impact, capturing viewers' attention and effectively conveying complex ideas in a brief time.

My creative process begins with a thorough understanding of the brand’s values, goals, and mission to produce videos that resonate. I then sketch detailed concepts and seek feedback to ensure alignment with the brand's vision. Once the storyboard is approved, I create assets such as illustrations, diagrams, icons, and characters. Finally, I animate these elements in After Effects, bringing the storyboard to life.

Tenebris Realm Promo Video

Tenebris Realm is a tabletop roleplaying game set in the world of Esterin, a planet rich in magic, technology, and unique civilizations. The game, developed over four years, was released in 2024 by GoldLeaf Games.

I led the branding for this project, which included designing the website, creating social media posts, and producing a promotional video for their upcoming Kickstarter campaign. The promotional video focused on highlighting the transformation from concepts to final products in the book, showcasing characters and cities.

This particular video was especially enjoyable to work on because it allowed me to experiment with creative visual effects. As an avid video gamer, I drew inspiration from video game trailers, particularly League of Legends, and implemented those influences into the video.

Promo Video for Tenebris Realm

Investing with Mogo

Mogo Finance Technology Inc. operates a digital platform that offers personal finance management tools for consumers. With Mogo, users can monitor their credit scores, cryptocurrency portfolios, personal loans, and budgeting needs, all facilitated through the Mogo Visa card.

I was tasked with creating a 30-second video explaining the difference between investing with a 1% management fee versus 0% fees. Using ChatGPT, I generated two scenarios with accurate numbers, which I then illustrated in Adobe Illustrator and animated in After Effects. My goal was to ensure the video was easily understandable, even for those who have never invested before.